Medical Consulting
Vesa Health & Technology, Inc. provides a full spectrum of solutions-oriented medical consulting services.
We recognize that your situation is unique; we tailor make our solutions to suit your specific needs. We use proven methods to assess and address each issue, from creating a new system, to managing a clinical department, to developing leaders and educating staff, we are dedicated to making each engagement and arrangement a total success.
We Can
- Develop and apply new management organizational structures for Surgical (OR), Emergency Departments and Nursing Services, complete with new position descriptions and criteria-based performance evaluations
- Help develop significantly effective physician/administrative committees on cost containment, assignment of capital expenditures and physician education reimbursement
- Improve productivity by instituting effective staffing grids, base staff requirements and both manual and computerized scheduling systems
Let us know your requirements and we will assist you in finding the right solution with the best cost containment.

The Right Solution For Your Enhancement Timeline
Whether you require consulting from the beginning of new practices, implementation, or staff training, interim support, or mature process enhancement, Vesa Health & Technology delivers. We provide these services and more to the following organizations:
Healthcare Administration
- HIPAA consulting
- Focused consultation & analysis
- Information systems solutions
- Program/contract performance
evaluations - Administrative reviews
- Program/project management
- Surveys/focus groups
- Strategic planning/group facilitation
Information Systems Solutions
- Information Systems Solutions
- Training
- Business Process Analysis and
Reengineering - SWOT analysis
- Focus group reviews
Develop, Educate & Train
People must have the tools to succeed. Development, Education and Training pay long term dividends. Our consultants have the skills and understanding necessary to provide meaningful, adult-oriented development and educational programs. Each program is developed specifically for the needs of the organization.
Medical Logistics
Vesa Health & Technology provides and coordinates medical and dental material management and logistical support worldwide.
Our medical logistics team is a partnership between wholesale medical logistics, medical information management, medical information technology, end-user communities and the health care industry. Our process completes the entire support lifecycle by implementing business process innovations that increase the effectiveness of medical logistics support and reduce cost.
Vesa Health & Technology, Inc.’s Medical Logistics solutions include the entire life-cycle: stock fund level inventory management, quality assurance, medical technology management and management of readiness material. We design our solutions to support medical logistics operations and accommodate unique areas like The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations’ requirements and quality assurance requirements.
Project Management
About 70% of our clients request some level of implementation assistance. Vesa Health & Technology fully integrates within your organization to be available onsite, as needed, to move your project forward.
We can tailor your project management retainer to meet your needs and budget, and we will remain onsite to facilitate stakeholder buy-in until your organization is equipped to steer the process.

Interim Leadership
Staffing the right leaders is critical. In today’s market, finding that right person can take a long look. Our highly qualified Interim Leaders have an average of 15 to 30 years of proven experience directing Patient Care Services and Operations. When they come on board, Vesa Interim Leaders keep things moving, spearhead change and provide mentoring for promising in-house candidates.
We match our leaders to your organizational culture and level of need. Many have advanced degrees, some have teaching experience and many have rural or urban expertise. With experience ranging from departmental operations to senior administration, Vesa Interim Leaders have the credibility and confidence to guarantee your success.
Occasionally, our experienced temporary leaders agree to take a permanent position within your organization. We are unique in that all we require is notice. Unlike many organizations, we do not charge a fee for this “try before you buy” opportunity.
Change/Transition Management
The only constant in the universe is change. We believe that for an organization to be successful, they must manage both change and transition. Vesa Health & Technology manages this to move both individuals and companies forward.
Several of our clients have worked with us to design and implement new space. However, failure to assess the impact of the new space can become to a costly and ineffective mistake.
By identifying process improvement opportunities during the design phase, there is time to adopt better methods for the present and the future. We assist clients with both location changes and staff process transitions.